
The Legal Service is in charge of the management of the insurance files of the municipality (civil liability, insurances for car, fire and work/school accident …).

Insurance and liability

Every person suffering damages and wanting to hold the municipality liable, can bring in a declaration (accompanied by all justificatory document such as receipts, police reports, photos, bills and invoice …). This declaration has to be written and addressed to the Insurance Service, Avenue Charles Thielemans 93, 1150 Woluwe-St-Pierre.

Declaration form in French – in Dutch

After analysing, the Insurance Service will transfer the declaration to the insurance company of the municipality. Such transfer does not include an acknowledgement of liability. The insurance company will then further investigate and will contact the victim if necessary.

The same procedure will be followed in case the municipality notices any damage to her property.

School insurance

Parents of children who suffered from an accident at school are requested to file a declaration to the head of the school institution, using the form below.

Formulaire de déclaration assurance scolaire