Extract of the registers of population – Certificate of residence
Domicile is equal to the main residence = the place where a person has its residence, his home, his family and the center of his affairs.
How to get it?
- Or via the electronic desk (French or Dutch)
- Or by using the application Mon dossier
Attention: Before using the application “Mon dossier” the user has to insert his eID in a card reader and insert his PIN code.
N. B. : The certificats contain an electronic signature, which provides them with the same value as any certificate issued by local administrative authorities. - Or at the service Population
Go further in Civil Status and Population
- Access to personal file
- Anticipated Declaration relating to euthanasia
- Birth
- Burial – Cremation
- Cemetery
- Certificates of identity for children of foreign nationality who are less than 12 years old
- Declaration donation of organs
- Declaration of death
- Declaration to the Administration (registration)
- Delivery of birth, marriage, divorce and death certificates
- Department for foreigners
- Driving licence
- Elections 2024
- Electronic identity cards
- Extract of the registers of population – Certificate of belgian nationality
- Extract of the registers of population – Certificate of family composition
- Extract of the registers of population – Certificate of life
- Extracts of criminal record
- Kids-ID (for Belgian children aged less than 12 years old)
- Last will concerning the kind of burial
- Legal cohabitation
- Legalization of signature
- Marriages
- Nationality
- Passports
- True certification of copy