Certificates of identity for children of foreign nationality who are less than 12 years old
Service Population – Tel : 02/773.05.47 ou 02/773.05.49
The certificate of identity is issued at the request of people exerting the parental authority on a child who is less than 12 years old and registered in the register of the population or the register of waiting.
The presence of the child is mandatory at the moment of the request.
- EU-citizens : 11,40€ (normal procedure) – 116,90 € (emergency procedure)
- non EU-citizens : 14,60€ (normal procedure) – 128,70 € (emergency procedure)
Validity: EU-citizens : 3 year – non EU-citizens : depending on the stay
Delivery time: 2 weeks
Note: Identity photos are now taken directly at the administration office (except for children under 3, who still need to bring their own photo).
Go further in Civil Status and Population
- Access to personal file
- Anticipated Declaration relating to euthanasia
- Birth
- Burial – Cremation
- Cemetery
- Declaration donation of organs
- Declaration of death
- Declaration to the Administration (registration)
- Delivery of birth, marriage, divorce and death certificates
- Department for foreigners
- Driving licence
- Electronic identity cards
- Extract of the registers of population – Certificate of belgian nationality
- Extract of the registers of population – Certificate of family composition
- Extract of the registers of population – Certificate of life
- Extract of the registers of population – Certificate of residence
- Extracts of criminal record
- Kids-ID (for Belgian children aged less than 12 years old)
- Last will concerning the kind of burial
- Legal cohabitation
- Legalization of signature
- Marriages
- Nationality
- Passports
- True certification of copy